Stadium ambience to get upgrade with LEDs

Do you feel alive and your adrenaline starts rushing in your nerves when you enter the arena? How would you feel if you get a discomfort if you are not able to see the players properly, light being distributed here and there, at some point its dark and at some point its light? Of course, not good. So, there is something which has a huge impact on your experience other than heat of the game and location. Yes, it is the lighting system of the place, be it arena or stadium.

Earlier there were metal halides or conventional bulbs which were used in stadiums but they were just enough to provide the required lighting. New LED Stadium lights have marked a new success in this field by improving the conditions of lighting.

Few features of LED over Halide are:
·         It doesn’t cause any heating in the atmosphere
·         It doesn’t hinder the view of user
·         Enrich colours  thus enrich experience
·         No shadows or dark spots are spotted
·         Low electricity consumption
·         Better recording and broadcasting on TV

LED lights are so good at their work that they hardly need any maintenance for years. Compared to halides which are needed to be replaced every 3-5 years, these LEDs in the stadium can easily go for 10-15 years, without much maintenance.

Also, electricity consumed in halides in these 3-5 years is same as electricity consumed by LEDs in its lifespan. As per some data on internet, at Phoenix stadium in Arizona, 780 halide bulbs were removed and replaced by nearly half i.e. 312 LED bulbs. So, you can realize now the difference between no of halides required and no of LEDs required for same brightness. Also, if you count saving after using LEDs, you’ll get a figure of nearly 15-20%, which is matters a lot when it comes to stadium where high cost is involved.

When we do an apple study of light output, while fluorescent bulb converts 95% into heat and 5% into light, LED does the opposite. It converts 95% of its energy into light and 5% into heat.
LED technology and material used by LED Stadium have almost zero glare. Also, there are multiple beam angles which can be adjusted to have direct focus on the pitch. This is possible due to use of advance optical lens and multiple lens where provide uniformity of light. These are the lights which were provided during FIFA world cup and UEFA league recently.

Super bright LEDs are used in different applications nowadays with different power as per requirement. In kitchens, halls, gangways and homes, Recessed downlights can be used, which gives a wonderful glow to your office making it attractive place to visit and work. Also, they can be used in parking lots, in other indoor spaces, during festivals. Christmas, being a festival of lights, LED lights recently are being used in Christmas as well. Ahead of this, the super bright LED lights are now getting space and value in Industrial plants and commercial sector as well due to their many benefits, low input, high output and cost effectiveness.


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