LED flood lights - Lighting Up the Fields and Games for The Eyes

A complete game watching experience, be it indoor or outdoor, owes very much to an effective lighting system, which provides the best visualization of players as well as audience and thereby energizing the game. While lighting up the stadium, one needs to take in account not just the participants, but the cameras and the eyes that capture them as well. The lighting should be equipped to adequately assist high speed HD cameras as well. LED’s are projected to be the mainstream lighting technology with its countless features, more products aimed at the market is being developed.
LED over its counterparts
LED’s features like dimming ability, minimal light decay, steady color temperature and most of all low energy consumption makes it the emerging trend in the market. In comparison to the other metal-halide lamps, the energy consumption is noticed to be 70% lesser in LED lamps. A matter of concern in LED lamps is heat dissipation. Prolonged heat exposure suppresses brightness of LED lamps and shortens its lifespan. LED being a semi-conductor device, tends to have a shorter lifespan with the tendency to heat up. The PN junction temperature is called junction temperature.
Tackling heat dissipation
Heat dissipation can be classified into three modes.
  1. Conduction – a type of heat transfer
  2. Convection – where heat is transferred through moving fluids.
  3. Radiation –where high temperature objects emits heat directly outwards.
With the ever changing needs and advancing technologies, manufacturers tries to up their game by coming up with improvements and innovations to the already existing designs in Soccer Field Lights to provide a better product that can outweigh their counterparts.
To judge whether an LED flood lights are good or bad, certain factors need to be considered were the prominent factor is heat sink, which is an electronic device that helps keep the hot component cool. The volume and weight of heat sink is directly proportional to the heat storage capacity. To sum it up, an LED chip which has a junction temperature which is within the acceptable range can be concluded as a good option for an LED lamp.


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