Illuminate the Golf course with the Perfect LED Lighting

Every sport requires the player to be focused on the game. The ambiance and the surrounding environment also have a great impact on the player’s game. There are several matches of cricket, football and other sports like golf which are held at night time and hence proper lighting has a great impact. If you consider golf, then it is played in a broad area and hence proper lighting is needed for the player as well as for audiences and broadcasters to enjoy the game to the fullest. Proper golf course lights can make the night golf play an amazing experience. LED lights are used to light the lawn and outdoor areas of the golf course.
Lighting requirements for golf course
Earlier less energy efficient alternatives such as metal halide and mercury vapour lamps were used for golf course lighting. With the advent of the LED technology, mostly 400w Led Flood Light is being used as Golf Course Lights. These lights are increasingly being used to illuminate golf course as they provide broad and uniform illumination across the entire lawn area. 400W LED Flood light contains high luminous efficiency lens which reduces the power consumption and provides higher illumination.
How to choose the perfect golf course lights?
There are several types of LED lights available in the market which varies as per the voltage and several other features. If it is a small golf course for recreational purpose then even 200-300 lux power is enough. For professional games and world tournaments, it is preferred to use 400w Led Flood Light.
Why use LED Lighting?
  • More durable lasts up to 10 years or more.
  • Safe for the eyes
  • Power efficient solution
  • Large luminous efficiency
  • Uniform illusion over a large area
  • Increased throw ability.
  • Good visibility for players as well as audience


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